Iowa State Fair Coverage

The Iowa State Fair is the quintessential state fair.  It’s big, it’s popular, it’s old (since 1854), it has every type of food on a stick, and Rogers and Hammerstein based their musical “State Fair” on the Iowa State Fair.

Every year, Iowa Public Television leads the way on State Fair coverage with a six-part series dedicated solely to the Fair.

Scott had a lot of fun covering the Fair over the past years, but no experience as been better than taking the red ribbon in the beard competition!

In 2014, Scott followed up his beard competition victory with a complete failure in the Mr. Legs contest.

The Fair is always a good excuse for IPTV producers to make Scott look like a fool.

For the 2012 Fair, Scott was given the opportunity to examine one of his favorite historical topic: The American Presidents.

In Part 2 of Scott’s examination of Presidents and the Fair, you will get to see a bit of my ‘interaction’ with President Obama.

If one is looking for a restful spot to take a load off at the Fair, check out the Discovery Garden.

Back to Pioneer Hall, Scott covers the youth and adult divisions of the Whistling Contest.

In 2011, IPTV asked Scott to host a story on the “Great Outdoors: Iowa DNR Building” due to his involvement with the DNR supported Iowa Outdoors which Scott hosts on Iowa Public Television.

Paul Berge is a veteran host at IPTV, he always brings a unique perspective to the Fair with his “Side Roads” stories. On this segment of “Side Roads,” Paul explores the marketing behind the State Fair.

This segment includes some behind the scenes video of Scott’s Iowa State Fair “Butter!” commercials at the 1:25 minute mark.


If you want some more behind the scenes of my Iowa State Fair “Butter” Commercials, check out this video Paul D. Benedict and Scott did for promoting Valentine Road, a web serial Scott produces and stars in:

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